Lead Time

Embracing Growth: A Journal Entry with Tim Ahlman

Unite Leadership Collective Season 5

Have you ever felt like growth is a battle rather than a blessing? Join Tim Ahlman in this candid bonus episode of Lead Time, where he shares his personal reflections on growth, both as a spiritual journey and a complex challenge. Through the lens of his own struggles with negative thought patterns and spiritual warfare, Tim opens up about finding solace in writing and poetry. Listen as he presents his spoken word poem "Growth," offering a raw and honest portrayal of the fears and insecurities that often accompany our growth journeys, coupled with the assurance of God's unwavering support.

Read the Blog here!! 

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Speaker 1:

Hey listeners, welcome to an extra bonus episode it's just me of Lead Time, tim Allman, here. It is a Wednesday night on a very full week for me and I pray that this conversation, this journal, this Lead Time journal, if you will, based on an upcoming blog, blesses your Spirit. And I'm a little. You catch me most times it's like 10 am in the morning and I'm a little bit more contemplative. It's like 8.13 and I got 20 minutes before I go pick up my son from basketball practice this summer. So I wanted to get on because growth has been a major theme in a lot of the conversations that I'm having, and anytime you're talking about growth personal, church, cultural there's a challenge, and I think the challenge is spiritual warfare and the wrestle with the flesh and recognize that there's an enemy. It's not our neighbor, it is Satan, and then really me, I am the enemy, my negative thought patterns, the darker places that I can, the negative places that I can go, and I'm a pretty positive, positive guy. But it just feels like the conversations that we've been having are just slightly, slightly heavier and one of the ways that that I, I guess, cope, meditate on the word of God is through is through writing. I've always loved writing. Not all writing is meant to be shared, and I hope you think this one is worth something. Poetry has kind of become something of an interest, not a passion yet per se, but I really, really love the written word and so I hope you like this kind of spoken word.

Speaker 1:

A little poem that I wrote just yesterday called Growth. Growth, a challenging word. Stuck downward and the flesh sets me back, flailing, falling, stumbling, crawling. Growth seems stalling. I know me, god knows me, all of me yet loves me, is for me the audacity. Growth, I'm afraid of the word Not enough, never enough. Word Not enough, never enough. More and more there are, more and more, and I feel less and less Rising, running, dying, living Daily. Growth is not me, it's the spirit in me. I've been set free of me. Greater is he. Growth we wrestle with the word lament, the word mask, the word insecure, perturbed by the word Growth. For growth's sake, man's sake, a church's sake, is a bad dream. Let us awake.

Speaker 1:

Growth is God's plan, his divine plan for man. He the executioner, we the receiver, he the forgiver, we the forgiven, he the life giver, we the life proclaimers. Growth makes the liar linger Linger to lie in our ears Fear. Don't try, don't trust, don't dream, don't release Fear. Strain gnats hide from truth, huddle in siloed clans while the masses perish, fear. Growth is God's word. Do not be afraid. Growth is God's mission. Do not be afraid, growth is God's mission. Do not be afraid, though the mission is hard, do not be afraid. God wants all his kids back. Do not be afraid Jesus died and rose, ah. Do not be afraid Jesus ascended and reigns. Do not be afraid the Holy Spirit is here. Do not be afraid Creating, sustaining. Do not be afraid Empowering, releasing. Do not be afraid Confessing forgiving. Do not be afraid Proclaiming the gospel. Do not be afraid His kingdom is here Now. Do not be afraid, the days are short. Do not be afraid the King is coming. Do not be afraid Until then. Growth, god's growth.